How to Date a Foreigner

Step 6: What to wear on a first date

What to wear on a first date in time oriented dating cultures

Now that you know the different dating cultures, how to recognize them, the differences in dating goals, personal space and perfect first dates, let’s look at what to wear on a first date. 

What to wear on a first date?

Your first thought might be what you are going to do or to wear something you feel comfortable in. However, have you ever considered how cultures dress for different occasions? Let’s look at dressing for dates across cultures:

Time oriented dating cultures:

Time oriented dating cultures are very individualistic. The self is very important. In these cultures people often dress very casual and comfortable to feel good themselves. It’s not about dressing to please or impress the other person. 

Wearing flip-flops or even occasionally jogging trousers if it is not conflicting with the location is accepted. 

People oriented dating cultures:

In these cultures the other person is usually more important than the self. Dressing smart casual is not only to please and impress the other person, but also to show respect. To show them that you care enough to make an effort and look good for them. 

Wearing flip-flops, trainers, hoodies for dates are usually a no-no. 

Mixed time & people oriented cultures:

What to wear on a first date is probably the most important in the mixed time & people oriented dating culture. Here it is not only to show respect, but also to show you have a good job to raise a family. As these cultures are very family oriented, this is very important. 

How different cultures dress for future dates?

Time oriented cultures:

In some time oriented cultures doing ‘date nights’ is common once you are in a relationship. This is very rare or non-existent in people oriented cultures. 

What to wear on a date night? 

In these cultures, this is when you dress up. Get that super sexy outfit on! Look the most stunning you can.

So in time oriented cultures, dress:

What to wear on a first date in time oriented dating cultures
People and mixed time & people oriented cultures:

In these cultures the polar opposite is true. They don’t do date nights like time oriented types do. They will go out for dinners have a great night out, but all of them count as a date night. It’s being together that counts rather than making it a special occasion. 

Therefore in these cultures when the couple is really comfortable with each other they dress more casually. They don’t feel they need to impress anymore (like on the first date). Just enjoy being themselves and the company of their special one.

What to wear on a first date - European Style Dating Culture

Now that you understand a lot about cultural differences, it is time to enjoy your perfect first date!

We hope you enjoyed our articles on what to wear on a first date. If you would like to understand cross cultural dating deeper (eg. what these dating cultures don’t understand about the others, that will suddenly make so much sense, you might enjoy their dating style) take our course: The Secrets of Intercultural Dating. 

Please don’t forget to leave us a comment below on what to wear on a first date in your culture. We would love to read it!

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How to Date a Foreigner