How to Date a Foreigner

3 Steps To Finding the Best Matchmaking Services

By Editorial Team | Reviewed by |

When the number of dating apps are constantly increasing, peoples’ frustration with swiping, getting ghosted and not finding the one does too. Consequently, those who are serious about their search, try to find the best matchmaking services.

So how to find the best matchmaking services that will be more efficient than dating apps?

Dating apps are highly inefficient (and hence frustrating)

They don’t only give you the potential matches you are looking for. Therefore you swipe through an average of 100 people before you match someone you are really interested in. You can find some detailed statistics here

Unfortunately, dating apps have no other option (even if they know exactly who suits you). This is because the more members they have (and the more time those members spend on the dating app) the more money they make.

So dating apps due to their business model, have to waste your time to be profitable. The minute you match with ‘the one’ you leave the app and they have to advertise to find new members.

The best matchmaking service providers can help you to find the right partner, but you need to choose the RIGHT matchmaking service first.

Say what?


The best and most expensive one might work for a lot of people, but even if you have the budget, they might not be the best for you.

They might have lots of amazing reviews and a stunning website, but following our steps below could save you a lot of money and frustration.

3 Simple Steps to finding the Best Matchmaking Services

1.) Know what you are looking for

I know this might be cliche, but if you are not sure what you are looking for, even the best matchmaking services could be a waste of money too and you might end up back on a dating app all frustrated.

Let me give you a rather terrible example, but it will highlight the point:

1.) When you don’t know what you want:

You are hungry, you go into an Italian restaurant:

              Waiter: What would you like to eat?     

You: I don’t know, just something healthy



15 mins later, the waiter comes:

              Waiter: Sir, here is your a salad               

You: Oh noo! I can’t have salad! How will this fill me up?!

You paid for your salad you didn’t want and left the restaurant all frustrated.

2.) When you know what you want:

You want to eat sushi. You go into a Japanese restaurant

              Waiter: What would you like to eat?               

You: Everything looks so delicious, I just want to try it all!

We don’t need to continue, you get the point. If you go to just any matchmaker, it is not guaranteed they can help you – unless you know what you want.

Some matchmakers will be professional enough to help you explore your needs and genuine enough to tell you whether they can help you or not.              

2.) Find a specialist – not just the best matchmaking services

More and more matchmakers specialize in specific groups of people. Like us at How to Date a Foreigner, we specialize in Interracial and Intercultural Relationships.

Some others specialize in single mums, people over 50, singles in San Francisco, the list is endless.

Specialist matchmakers might have fewer people to match you with, but all those people will be a lot closer to what you are looking for.

Therefore we highly recommend you to work with one of them, rather than someone super generic.

Specializing in ‘you’ or specializing in ‘your match’

Most of the best matchmaking service providers usually have two types of members: clients (who are paying to be matched) and members (who are non-paying, but ready to be matched if they are suitable for a client).

The best matchmaking services specialize in a certain client group (eg. Millionnaire Matchmaker) but take everyone else as a member (and potential match for their clients).

If you are a millionnaire and happen to join Millionnaire Matchmaker, they will probably understand your circumstances well, but they won’t necessarily have the right members to match you with (unless you are looking for a gold digger – as their marketing will attract them).

So make sure the best matchmaking service provider you choose has an understanding of your circumstances but equally focused on the type of partner you are looking for.

Specializing in your location

In our busy lives, you want to make sure the matchmaker specializes in your area or an area you would be willing to move to.

If they specialize in San Francisco, but you live in New York, it won’t be any good to you if most of their members are in San Francisco. You will pay a high fee and still remain single.

A lot of best matchmaking services start to have an international presence. Some have 10+ locations in the USA as well as several others all around the world.

Having 10,000 members across 10+ locations could be the same as having 10,000 at one location, if 95% of their members are for example in San Francisco.

Do not fall for the ‘we have so many members globally’ sales pitch.

Make sure they have enough members in your area. If they initially don’t, discuss what exactly they will do to be able to successfully help you.

3.) Reviews of the best matchmaking services

Despite dating and matchmaking becoming more mainstream, it is still one of those sensitive industries people are not too comfortable talking about.

It’s like personal debt advisors. People don’t really like to recommend them and you might have a hard time finding reviews.

If you really like a company, ask if they could put you in touch with one of their former clients to hear their experience.

Some clients might not leave public reviews, but they could be happy to talk to you.

This is not to say disregard reviews online. Do a thorough search – as you would always do.

What are the best matchmaking services?

After reading our post above, you will know there isn’t a ‘best for all’ answer.

The best matchmaking services will be individual to you. If you are looking for an intercultural or interracial matchmaker, then we hope we will be your best choice.

However, if you are looking for a gay matchmaker, we will probably be at the bottom of your list.

Find the expert specializing in your circumstances and we are sure you won’t go wrong.


Dating apps are highly inefficient (and hence frustrating)

It is not in the interest of dating apps to match you. If they do, they have to spend a lot of money on advertising to find new users.

3 Simple Steps to finding the best matchmaking services

1.) Know what you are looking for – who is your ideal partner?

2.) Find a specialist – not just the best matchmaking services. Someone who specializes in your ideal partner.

3.) Reviews – see how others are satisfied with their service.

What are the best matchmaking services?

Best is, what’s best for you. Find an expert, professional matchmaker who specializes in your circumstances and your ideal partner.

The Next Steps

Read Next: Ultimate US – Asia Cultural Differences in Relationships You Need to Know

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