How to Date a Foreigner

Book Resources


(Especially in Asian cultures)

1.) Gifts are of great importance
Tania F. recommends:
“BRING SOMETHING to gift them when you meet them (this is a must, and if your boyfriend says otherwise, don’t listen to him, lol), and most importantly, don’t expect the worst.  Make sure to bow when greeting them, offer to help the mother prepare something, etc. This is how Korean parents think you care.”


2.) Tattoos may be a problem
Jinny G. explains:
“Covering tattoos for us is more about respecting one’s elders and their “different” generation. Older generations know that youngsters do things differently, but we are still expected to respect them in their company.”

Liza S. advises:
“Quick advice: treat the first time meeting the parents as you would a job interview. I would agree on dressing modestly, something you own in your closet that you wouldn’t feel weird going out in. Try not to show off your tattoos, but if they see one, I don’t think it would be game over, but not the best start. It’ll be awkward and formal no matter what you do!”


3.) What should you wear?
Lilly D. recommends:
“It might sound silly but make sure you have good socks on! As you’ll be taking off your shoes. Also, wear something you’re comfortable sitting on the floor with! Comfy pants, long skirt or so.”

Masculine cultures play hard to get with emotions:
“Every dating dynamic ever” by Anna Akana


Feminine cultures play hard to get with sexual intimacy:
“The power of seduction in our everyday lives,” by Chen Lizra, TEDxVancouver

“How I Met Your Mother” by Barney Stinson

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How to Date a Foreigner